When Michele and I went to Sunny Valley this Friday, we had no idea we were going to be asked to paint the ceiling in the "Welcome Center," so naturally we did not bring any old painting clothes, but as need gives birth to invention, we discovered a way to get the job done and save our good pair of jeans. The very same jeans we wore to dinner at the Wolf Creek Inn the night before. The solution was a 50 cent rain poncho from "Dollar Tree" and waste basket bags carefully layered over the legs and shoes. The rain ponchos gave the added protection to the tops of our heads though it couldn't keep our faces and eyeglass from being speckled with "Country White" paint. We successfully completed our task before dark and Michele still got the bathrooms cleaned. That's one amazing friend. Imagine meeting these two be-speckled bag ladies after dark in the woods around Wolf Creek. Haaarrrrrr.