I predict it is going to be a good cherry year.
The cherry trees are in full bloom and the the weather is 90 degrees.
Standing under the canopy of white cherry blossoms,
I can hear a distinct hum from the hundreds of bee wings buzzing around my head.
The bees are flying from blossom to blossom,
around and around creating a constant cloud of movement and sound.
Looking through the lilac bush,
I can see the pear blossoms in the orchard next to our farm.

It seems the whole valley is in bloom.
I think it might be a good year for pears, also.

There is a sweet fragrance in the air.
I comes from the millions of crab apple blossoms.

around and around creating a constant cloud of movement and sound.
Looking through the lilac bush,
I can see the pear blossoms in the orchard next to our farm.
It seems the whole valley is in bloom.
I think it might be a good year for pears, also.
There is a sweet fragrance in the air.
I comes from the millions of crab apple blossoms.
Mom! this is an absolutely beautiful post. Thank you for a few snapshots of my home, that remind me of everything I love and miss about home.