Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Finding Beauty Where Ever I Live

On March 7 I planted flowers in a previously barren corner of dirt by the front door of Greenbrier Cottage.  This week the Columbine bloomed.  It is the first time I recall having Columbine blossom for me.  I consider it a gift of remarkable beauty.  Since that first planting, over 2 months ago, I have also added a window box with Pansies.  The Nasturtiums have nearly crowed the Pansies into concealment but the purple and yellow continue to peek over the round leaves in companionable serenity.  I have always wanted a flower box and now I have one. 

The Petunia basket my mother gave me has opened its magenta blossoms and seems to be thriving in the cool, wet spring we are having in Southern Oregon.  In fact, the whole front yard has turned into an "Oasis of Beauty" as I had hoped.  It may not be remarkable to the casual observer, but to me, it is a testimony of God's Grace.  It is the story of redemption.

When we moved here last August, there was nothing but dry fox tails and black walnut hulls littering the yard.  Today new grass has replaced the fox tails and fragrant blossoms have taken root in the once barren soil.  It has transformed Greenbrier Cottage from an ugly shack to a darling cottage.  Even the Snowball Bush I feared had been killed by previous tenants proudly supports a hummingbird feeder under its dazzling blossoms.  And this is only May, just think what June will bless me with.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Soul Food

"If thou of fortune be bereft.
And in thy store there be but left
Two loaves - sell one, and with the dole
Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul."
                                         James Terry White 1845-1920

I went to the Grange Co-op yesterday for grass seed and these flower starts just jumped into my cart.  I had to take them home.  After planting the grass seed yesterday, I started on the flower borders today.  Most of the plants were labeled for "full sun."  No problem, most of the areas where I wanted to plant them were in full sun today.  Half way through the planting I realized these dear little flowers will not be in full sun this summer.  The black walnut tree will shade nearly every inch of my front yard at least part of the time during the day.  Oh, well, so much for my plans of turning the entrance of my house into an oasis of beauty.  Last week-end, I did plant six rose bushes along the chain link fence.  Four are climbers.  I also planted a fragrant flowering vine on either side of the gate arbor Justin gave me. 

Oasis or not, I will have beauty to feast on.  
I will find it where ever it blooms and 
fill my hungry soul with it, 
to sustain me during the wintry times of dormant darkness.  

Sowing Beauty in hope of reaping a Feast and 
feasting on Beauty where ever it is found.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Violin lessons at 50 something

Never too old.

Beautiful bull calf

Here are pictures of Beauty and her calf.  These pictures were taken January 23, one month after she gave birth to her first calf.  I didn't get to attend the birth but Mary Ellen did.  All went well.  Beauty is a good mother.
I love this picture.  Beauty is standing by her calf.  The hill behind Bramble Creek Farm is directly above her.  Wagner Butte is to the left.  This picture was taken on the Deluca farm where Beauty now lives.  The Delucas named the calf "Moostrom."  Isn't he a fine looking boy calf?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Learn to Dance

Sanford and I went to our first International Folk Dance on Friday.  I have wanted to go for years but always found some reason to hesitate.  I always though I would enjoy it but Sanford wouldn't.  I was wrong.  Sanford liked it.  I loved it.  We will go again.  The following poem expresses better than I can the essence of folk dancing.  My wish for all is that we may all learn to dance.  For an idea of what folk dancing is visit the Mori Shej and Jacob's Ladder video.

I ache to hear sometimes, a music very strange from what the radio plays:
not of bouncy cheer, but rather Joy, not angry thrust, but melancholies in
minor, full of ancient achings seeping from the ground, and rising to the

A music of no person, but of people. A music beyond the pleasures and
pains of any one life, that sing of the cycles which require centuries. A
music not of answers but of awe,  not just of love nor only of youth, but
Life entire, not but of she and he, but everyone, not simply Now, but of

I need music of the dark and Light both, a music with abandon coming down
from when the world was wilder, music that gives all, yet yearns to say
more than maybe music can.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Reflections on a gift of a red coat

Here are my brother and I about to embark on an after Christmas shopping spree.  I am wearing my old plaid coat Sanford brought home from the free pile at work.  I have enjoyed this coat for a couple of years but recently my cat decided it was delicious.  He started chewing on it.  Some of the corners were chewed off.  It will now become my "work" coat, the one I wear when I'm not really wanting to chance getting my new one dirty.

My new coat is a gift from my daughter and son-in-law.  It's not just a coat.  It is a reminder that life is beautiful, that I am loved, that miracles happen, that some dreams come true.  My daughter has heard me say many times how I have always wanted a red coat, from the time I could first decide what kind of coat I might like.  Yes, since I was a little girl, I have always wanted a red coat. 

I bought myself one once.  I beautiful red coat with black velvet trim, but, thinking myself clever, I brought it to the cleaners one spring day thinking I would have it cleaned and ready by the time Fall came.  I never thought about it again until the weather turned cold in October.  After searching every possible nook and cranny I remembered the cleaners. When I went in to claim it, the attendant casually explained how they send unclaimed garments to Goodwill after 6 months.  I am still angry that no one called me before sending my beautiful red coat off to the second hand store, but I am hoping the person who bought it feels blessed for finding such a garment as that at a Goodwill store.

I know I feel extremely blessed to have a loving daughter and son-in-law who found the perfect gift to give me this year, a red coat.  To the person who found my old red coat in Goodwill, I hope you know that life is good, you are loved, miracles happen, and some dreams come true.  To Matthew and Lynnea, thank you for your gift this Christmas I will cherish it always, however, I don't know if I will ever get it cleaned.